For the past few years, gated content has become a useful tool for lead generation. Although a simple idea, it sure is effective. The prospective visitors are always on the lookout for ways to self-educate themselves, and brands have the potential to provide them with what they want. To exchange some valuable bits of information, giving some contact details isn’t such a big price to pay.

However, just because gated content works does not mean it is innovative too. Up till now people have been making content, creating landing pages, and adding forms. But doing that just doesn’t suffice. To use gated content for lead generation, one needs to more creative with their approach.

Here are some interesting ways to use gated content for lead generation.

Research Reports

If your company is producing its data and wishes to conduct or commission research, you can publish industry or market reports. Not only will you be putting out valuable industry insights, but your target audience will be interested to read it as well. To do this, you can either add a summary within a blog or use some attractive infographics, containing valuable statistics, followed by an offer to download the complete file.


With the passage of time, video content has become more popular than lengthy and bland articles. Tutorial videos that provide the visitors with useful tips are easy to create and post wherever you want. Even if you can’t afford a video made and edited by a professional production house, you can delegate the task to an in-house resource. If one of your team members can make and post videos online, it is a good way to convince visitors to sign-up before they view the full series.


Spreadsheet templates are a popular form of content and can be made cost-effectively. Luckily, most people have a basic knowledge of how to use spreadsheets. Prior knowledge allows them to adapt to your spreadsheet template, according to their own needs. Although spreadsheets are easy to create, they are a valuable tool for lead generation, because of the statistics they offer.


If you don’t know what a webinar is, it is simply a video presentation, with a questions and answers segment at the end. To view the presentation at any given date and time, the audiences need to register and provide their information. To generate more leads, you can offer your audience the catalog to the presentation, like premium content.


Unfortunately, most businesses possess an abundance of valuable content they don’t even think about promoting. Presentations are one form of such content that needs to be brought out in the public’s eye. Oftentimes, people are invited to deliver presentations at conferences and events. Once the presentation is over, it is forgotten. If it’s relevant, why not share it with the concerned audience?

These were just some of the many ways gated content affects lead generation. If you are on the lookout for someone to manage gated content for your business and get you more leads, you have come to the right place. We provide the best content writing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, and graphic designing services at the best prices. For more information, visit us online, call now at 718-233-3120.

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