Most businesses these days have a website, but they’re still unable to capture the interest of the audience and attract more customers. The reason: poor website design.

Sadly, many websites are designed poorly or come from a template of WordPress; this won’t help you get ahead or stand out.

In today’s visual market, good website design is essential. That’s because the way your site looks and functions will decide whether users will stay on it or press that close button for a hurried exit. Only when people stay on your site can they turn into your customers.

To highlight the importance of website design, we’ll enunciate why good website essentially means good business.

It’s All about First Impressions

Research shows that a user only takes 20th of a second to make an impression about a website. The first impression matters the most when it comes to website design as it can make or break the experience of a user. If your website features primary colors, flashing fonts and poor quality images, it will give an unpleasant look to the users and they won’t hesitate to press the close button.

Similarly, if your website is hard to navigate, users won’t stay on it for too long as no one in today’s fast paced world has the time to stroll through a complicated website. The layout should be simple with a search bar that can ease the navigation. When users won’t stay on your website, you won’t get any customers and your business will suffer.

Keeping Readers Engaged

The information on your website must be presented concisely and clearly. The paragraphs should not be too long and they should be aligned as it plays an important role in user engagement. Using images and videos is also important as people value visual content more than the text. However, it’s imperative to know where images and videos should be placed to maximize their impact on the audience.

Presenting the Right Image

Strong, clean visuals with an organized design portray the right image of your brand and establish legitimacy. These design elements can make people trust your business. Think from the view of a user: if the image of a food you want to buy from a website is not appealing, you will assume that it tastes poor as well.

Poor website design with haphazard look can make users hesitant about trusting your business and they won’t buy from you unless they trust you. You’re responsible for sending out the right message about your business and that’s only possible with a good website design.

Happy Customers

When the website is well designed it will greatly reduce the frustration of users. How often do we find ourselves stuck on a webpage and there’s no other option but to exit! When the website is easy to navigate and all the details are presented in an appealing manner, customers won’t have any trouble finding the product they’re looking for and won’t hesitate to make a purchase. Good website will lead to a happy customer and you know what that means: more profit for your business.

Surely you now understand why good website design means good business. But, how to you ensure that your website is well designed?

Many businesses have poorly designed website because they have not hired the right people for the job. To make sure you don’t make the same mistake, we suggest you avail the web design services of 24/7 NY Web Design. Our web development experts understand the fundamentals of a good website design and can optimize your website to stand out in the online realm.

2414 Ralph Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11234

Phone: 718-233-3120