Does your blog feel like a barren wasteland?

You’ve put so much effort into developing the ‘blog’ section of your website, but still you’re not able attract readers and increase blog engagement. You might be doing something wrong.

Well, don’t fret as we’ve compiled a list of 6 ways to help you increase blog engagement and attract more followers to your blog.

1.      Captivating Headlines

The element that has a major impact on the level of engagement with your blog content is the headline. The first thing that people see is the headline and it’s what will make them decide whether they should read further or just press that close button and search for something better.

So, always use a catchy headline that not only captures the attention of the readers, but also informs them about the kind of content that’s included in the blog post.

2.     Create Great Content

Okay, you’ve got the headlines part done, now let’s move to the ‘content’. Only quality content appeals to the audience, so make sure to post great blog content on your website. Every blog post should provide unique insights about a particular issue or a problem it aims to solve. Here are few important characteristics that your blog post should have:

  • Something unique
  • Actionable content (compelling the readers to do something)
  • Provide best solution to a problem
  • Provide accurate statistics and information
  • Be concise
  • Ask questions from readers

3.     Write About Emerging Trends or Newsworthy Topics

Be on the lookout for new trends and try to be the first one to write on them. This way when your audience will search for new trends or news, your blog post is sure to show up. Keeping up with the latest trends increases the engagement of the readers and when they’re looking for latest news about a particular industry, they are sure to visit your blog.

4.     Publishing New Content

Don’t wait too long to come up with a new post as your audience will get bored. However, don’t post new blogs too often as your audience wont’ have enough time to take all the information in. You must find a balance and see what works best for your audience. Use the data and analytics for figuring out the right frequency of posts to increase blog engagement.

5.     Promote Content

Promoting content is essential to increase engagement of your blog. Use the social media platforms to promote your blog content. Start with Facebook, share your blogs posts on your Facebook page. This way you’ll be able to direct all your Facebook audience to your website’s blog.

6.     Respond To Comments

Never let your readers feel like you’re not listening to them. Many people just post a blog and then never see it again to check how the audience has reacted. Always check your blog post for comments of the readers and reply to them. This will encourage reader engagement and will help you build a loyal relationship with your website visitors.

If you’re struggling to come up with quality content for your blog and don’t have the time to publish new content on a regular basis, avail the content writing services of 24/7 NY Web Design to ease your troubles.

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