Conversions are one of the most crucial things for any business. Without conversions, neither will there be any customers nor will there be any profits. A business’s website is the place where customers communicate with a company, place orders, and make purchases. Therefore, it is important for a website to be user-friendly and engaging to convert a visitor into a customer.

There is a variety of ways conversions can be increased. Some of the conversion-boosting techniques include A/B testing, usability testing, and customer surveys. However, the most useful method of increasing website conversions is web design.


Let’s take a look at five web design tips for better website conversions.

1. Prioritize the Design

Looks aren’t the only thing when it comes to web design, but they are essential. According to a study, web design is the most crucial factor in determining the credibility of your website. According to adobe, to provide users with an excellent online experience, good web design is critical. If a user has a good experience on your website, higher is the likelihood of them becoming your customers.

2. Choose the Correct Color Scheme

As far as product management and marketing is concerned, the color scheme has a crucial part to play. Studies have shown that color schemes and purchase decisions share a strong bond. Similar research has shown that in 85% of the cases, it is the color that guides buying decisions. More than 52% of the users never return to a website, the color scheme of which they find unattractive. While designing your website, the color scheme you choose should be relevant to your brand and its identity. A good color scheme will evoke the mood of people who visit you online, and also convince them to buy stuff from you.

3. Optimize for Mobile

It is a no-brainer that more than half of the users out there are accessing your website through their mobile phones. Therefore, it is your job to provide them with a site that runs as effectively on a mobile phone as much as it does on a laptop or any other gadget. A smart way of doing so is by making sure that all the buttons on your website are reachable to the thumb.

4. The Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a design method that has transitioned from the print world to the digital sphere. They also determine the best places on your website, where valuable content needs to be placed to attract maximum numbers of visitors.

5. Utilize the Whitespace

Whitespace is the space surrounding images, text, and other elements on your website. Do not try to fill up every inch of the blank space on your website. Using too little of the whitespace makes your website appear cluttered. As a result, the user will have a hard time accessing the information they need.


The tips mentioned above will allow you to have a website that provides you with the maximum number of conversions and expand your business. If you are on the lookout for a professional web designer for your website, look no further, for you have just found us. To benefit from our excellent services, visit our website or call now at 718-233-3120.

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Brooklyn, NY 11234

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