Social media has expanded at an exponential rate over the past few years. The only constant factor in social media is the rapid rate of its changing trends.

Every year it introduces a new trend that seems to be bigger and better than all its previous ones. Following are the trends that are expected to emerge in the year 2018.

1. Video Marketing

You may have noticed that nowadays our attention spans have become so short that we don’t stay on one social media app for long.

 We log in, swipe up and down for barely a minute and if there is nothing interesting, we don’t waste a single minute in jumping to the next one. We don’t read a lot of content. We skim. This is definitely a red flag for social media marketers. How will they convey their sales pitch if their target audience does not stop to read it?

The best solution is video marketing. A 30 second video will grab your audience’s attention and will give them the message it needs to in the least possible time.

2. Using Timelines to Buy Online Products

A lot of this was seen in the year 2017 as well. It is called impulse purchasing.

 Imagine yourself surfing through your timeline, wishing someone a happy birthday, commenting on someone’s pictures and then suddenly seeing something that you have been looking for in the market for quite some time.

Quite out of the impulse of clicking away at everything you see, you click on it and after a few simple clicks you will have placed the order for that product. You don’t even have to visit the product website anymore. The product appears on your timeline itself.

3. Increase in Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality has been in the market for quite some time especially in the gaming industry. With AR and VR, animation has been taken to a completely different level. Avatars are being created that are capable of doing super impressive things.

In gaming, your avatar can perform different tasks and at times, live in a completely alternate universe. This is old new, but now it is expanding its horizon to brand marketing.  In 2018 almost every company will be using AR and VR to show how its products are appropriate for you and your living space.

4. Introduction of Stringent Privacy Measures

Data privacy has become a major concern for everyone using social media as their personal information leaks to companies that target them for their products. But that’s not even as bad. What’s worse is when the privacy measures are so weak that your account gets hacked. Once their privacy is maintained users will find using social media much more comfortable.

The good news is that 2018 will be witnessing some extra emphasis on designing better, more effective privacy measures.

5. Amplification in Ads

Social media has been promoting advertisements for some years now but this year this trend of ad posting will amplify even further. The main idea is revenue generation. Social media is going to move its focus towards activities that will generate more profits.

Change is imperative. No matter what industry it is. It’s inevitable. What we need to focus on is to stay updated about the latest trends so we don’t get left behind! If you want to be in the loop of all the latest social media marketing techniques and strategies Contact us today! We will give your business the boost it needs.

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