Have you made some startling discovery about web designing that just doesn’t make any sense? Well, you are not the only one, and these myths are difficult to avoid.
Proper web designing is the core of an excellent user experience. The success or failure of your web design depends heavily upon the fonts you incorporate, the colors you use, and the images you add. Contrary to popular belief, web design is not just some popular tool that balances sheer loads of information. If done properly, web design can significantly enhance the perception people have of your brand.
Therefore, you need to have in-depth knowledge of the implementation of a stable web design process.
It is a substantial motivational force that allows your business to achieve its goals. Speaking of web design, there are conflicting views on what is right and what is wrong. To meet their needs, businesses tend to customize their websites. When that happens, a web design’s subjectivity leaves a big room for different kinds of opinions.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common web design myths to avoid.
Myth#1: The Whitespace Should Never Be Empty
Not only does is this statement false, but stuffing things in the whitespace compromises your web design. Wide-Open whitespace is beneficial for your web design. Not only does it allow ample space to text and images, but it also increases the readability on your website. Trying to read text and view images through a clustered whitespace is just like driving in a narrow and crowded street.
Myth#2: The Homepage Is Most Crucial
It is a no-brainer that unless you visit a website directly, you are most likely to land on a landing page instead of the homepage. Nowadays, with an increase in paid links and searches, people land directly on a specific landing page and never really get to see the homepage of a website. Therefore, putting all of one’s focus on the homepage is nothing but a waste of time.
Myth#3: More Features Equate to Better Design
Every day we stumble upon websites that contain unnecessary features. Contrary to popular belief, more features don’t equate to a better design. In reality, a website stuffed with features affects user experience to a great extent. If a feature doesn’t help you get the conversions you want, it is better to get them out of the way.
Myth#4: Design Is the Only Cure
Good web design has a lot more to it than funky fonts and vibrant colors. Web design is a tool that bridges the gap and serves as a channel of communication between a business and its targeted audience. A good design does enhance the user experience, but it is not the only thing. To eliminate problems like poor content, low traffic, and reduced conversions, something more than a mere catchy web design is needed. To ensure the success of a web design a considerable amount of teamwork, consensus, and editorial excellence are crucial.
Avoid the myths mentioned above, and you will end up with a web design that enhances your brand’s image, drives more traffic, converts, and brings in sales. But, you don’t have to do any of that, for we have got you covered. We provide the finest web design, social media marketing, and mobile marketing services at affordable rates. To benefit from our services, visit our website or call now at 718-233-3120.